Hi. It's been a while. I know. My friend got a new job and it's been so lonely at work. (waaahhhh)
Last Tuesday, said friend picked me up at work around 6:00 and we zipped on over to the
downtown Central Library to see Harry and the Potters. Who? You can read about them here. They are brothers with a band who played their entire set as Harry Potter--each of them-
-one year four and the other year seven. Don't be confused; just go with it.

Harry, Year 4 (left) and Harry, Year 7 (right) with temporary drummer.
The crowd consisted of the very young, the fairly old, and every age in between, and everyone
had a great time...except the poor injured bird behind us that these nerds insisted was dead. It totally wasn't. The nerds were super nerdy--like socially awkward and everything--but the girls
they were with were cute and hip. At first we thought the girls were just using them for a ride to the show, or help with their Trig homework, but then the chubbiest and nerdiest of all the boys starts hugging and loving up one of the girls and it was kind of uncomfortable to watch.

Confused nerdy boys, and Criss giving the whole show an enthusiastic Thumbs Up!
In order to get validation, we went inside the library where I paid an overdue fine of $1.60. While I was paying and getting validation, Criss helped herself to a poster on the bulletin board. What? The show was over and I'm sure they were just going to throw it away.

The Harrys signing Criss's pilfered poster.
Afterwards, Criss and I went over to Weiland's Underground Brewery for a drink and some eats. It being a Tuesday and after 7pm, we missed any tids and bits, so we got ordered some chili, chips and dip, and a couple of beers. Then, I recognized a guy at the bar. There were only three or four people in the entire bar, besides us, so I called his name and hey, what do you know. It was Hutch, an old friend from court reporting school. Hutch and his cute friend*, Mark, joined us at our table. Mark left when the conversation turned to reach-arounds and fisting (purely innocent, I assure you), but we chatted with Hutch for a good long time.
That's Hutch on the far left.
I hope you have been able to reinforce your defeneses in your abode to keep the weirdo - creep out of your place. Right now I live in what is almost a fortress, but I was sending you good thoughts over the weekend about your safety.
the 2 Harrys event sounds like it was a lot of fun. The odd ball kind of thing I would like to do.
Best - Hester
good girl, paying your library fine! (nice hair Sissy!)
Dude. You ALL have side ponytails?! Whaddup with that?!?!
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