Saturday, April 21, 2012

Draw Something: You win some; you lose some

I am, like tons of you, addicted to Draw Something.  I love how creative (or not) some people are.  Like one of the players I draw with makes the most detailed drawings. I leave it to the last minute to guess because I want to see what she draws.  Then there's another "artist" who drew to crossed light sabers and wrote "Star Wars character."  Wtf? Which one?!?!  Sometimes you draw something you think everyone would get and come up empty.  And sometimes you just need to pass.

Anyway, I need some validation.  What do you see here?

Because I drew this and it's perfect as far as I'm concerned.  I mean, not perfect as in I need to be in a gallery, but certainly guessable.  So, what do you see? What's your guess? I need to know I'm not delusional.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

And then my button popped off

It's been one of those weeks. It started with my doing something really dumb. Everyone suggested I should lie about it but that felt disingenuous. Plus, it's just so dumb. 

So, on Sunday, I was taking care of some beauty regimen stuff and watching the hockey playoffs at the same time.  Oh, I may have been online, too. Multi-tasking is my specialty.  Anywho, I put a cream all over my neck and upper lip (for removing those pesky hairs that pop up on your chin and neck when you're a woman of a certain age), and then went back into the living room to watch some hockey.  The game got good.  It was Flyers vs. Penguins--a home state rivalry.  Before I knew it, I'd left the cream on much longer than the recommended "do not leave on longer than x minutes."  (the fact that I don't know how many minutes I was supposed to leave it on is also indicative of the dumb factor)

What happens when you leave a caustic substance on your neck too long?  This: 
Ouchy scalded flesh of shame

Yes, that's a big ol' nasty chemical burn on my neck and it sure is pretty.  Fortunately, I'm a woman with several tattoos and always have A+D ointment in my medicine cabinet.  I have been applying it throughout the week and it looks much better now.  But it's so itchy that my co-worker David has threatened to fit me with a cone to stop me from scratching it.  Girl from Mars! Girl from Mars!* (side note: I love that song)

When your week starts that good, it has to get better, right?  Or not.  Parking ticket.  Late to work.  Burned my eggs when making dinner.  And today, the button on my pants popped off.  At least it didn't hit me in the eye.  

For my knitters, I'll see you all next week.  I need to go home and sew my button back on. 

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Sad Laurie is Sad, but Happy Chair is Happy

I'm only kind of sad. I'm more annoyed and frustrated, so no worries.  However, have you seen the Happy Chair is Happy site?  It's in conjunction with our friends over at I Can Haz Cheezburger. I'm a sucker for anthropomorphism, so this plays right into my hands.  I mean, I name everything.  Do you remember the IKEA commercials with the old lamp that gets put in the trash?  It's little lampy head turned up to the window where it used to live where a new lamp is sitting breaks my heart every time.*  So, basically, this site is a collection of inanimate objects that look like they have faces, and fun captions.  Here are just some of my favorites.

I'd be so pee-shy with that overhead.

They are such happy little ghosts.

It says "Ni" too.

He needs a Tums.

You see? I can't be helped.  You should go ahead and waste a few hours there, too.  It'll make you smile or you're dead inside.

*Don't get me started on the one with the broken cow creamer. I actually bought a cow creamer at a yard sale because of this commercial.