"Where's our hummers? We were supposed to get hummers."
"Who do we have to run the flag pole up now?"
It's bug season in LA and they've decided that my house is a great pl

Wish me luck.
Singer, songwriter, humanitarian, miner for a heart of gold, and washing machine inspector.
I don't know that I have the patience for a sweater.
This is only a tank top; I'm only on row 4; and, I'm bored.
It really looked like that--all greyish and gross.
I thought when I left the country I'd never again see folks with their cars up on blocks. But apparently, the absence of a yard is no hindrance to the call of ones inner-redneck.
Or, as this is the bad side of town, the tires were stolen, which is kind of brazen and kind of neighborly, considering they could have stolen the whole car. "Thank you kindly for the new Goodyears. No, you're too kind. What would I do with a mini-van? I just needed the tires."
I love Christopher Moore. The man is sick and twisted, just the way I like them, yet funny and clever, also a requirement. I fell in love after reading Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's childhood pal which the good Catholic girl inside me kind of felt uncomfortable about, but the adult me, the one who hasn't been to confession since Reagan was in office--or at least the first Bush-- loved it to pieces. Then came Fluke and Bloodsucking Fiends . Each one a page turner. I came home on Tuesday after school, promptly fell asleep as soon as the news started, and woke up around 2:oo am. In an attempt to get back to sleep, I began reading Dirty Job. The next thing I knew it was 6:00 am, I was 256 pages deep into the book and tired as all getout.
Bravely I went to work, and then to school (if only in hopes of obtaining a check from the chicks in Financial Aid). I got home, watched "Lost" and the season finale of "Invasion", then went to bed, because, as I said, I was tired. But there it was--A Dirty Job--just sitting on my bed waiting to be finished. "No," I said, "you can't tempt me with your clever prose. I'm no spring chicken you know. I need my beauty sleep. Plus, your tales of the underworld are kind of creepy and I live alone and it's dark." My protests fell on deaf ears (no shit, Laur, it's a book), so I had no choice but to pull another (almost) all-nighter to finish it. Dang, it was good. But now, I'm exhausted and far too tired to even think of knitting in public, or crocheting, as the case may be.
And I still didn't finish all the crap I had to do today and Carla is going to be mad at me. Wahhhh(tears of frustration)
On the way home with the top down in Tina's car, I proved that I do not have rhythm. Nope. None whatsoever. Embarrassing. My hair looked like Tina Turner "beyond Thunderdome" when I got home.
Also, there was some kind of gang warfare/ police raid in progress at the end of my street when Tina dropped me off because, you know, I live in the 'wood. (Holly, not Ingle).
That's all for me today.