Friday, August 06, 2010

A Happy Friday...finally!

Last night when I got home from SnB, there was some hipster party at the top of my street at Sunset which left zero parking spaces anywhere for me. I drove around a few blocks and finally ended up risking a parking ticket by parking in front of my house (because Sandy doesn't have a permit yet).

This morning, I woke up at 4:30am on my sofa. I did what anyone would do, I started knitting. First, I had to peruse my stash for appropriate yarn for the pattern, then find the right needles, but then I started knitting. And knitting. And knitting, until it was very nearly too late to make it to work on time. You know, that arbitrary time that you give yourself beyond which you'll surely be late? Yeah, that time. So, I put the knitting down and got ready for work. I have to admit, there was a minute of deep contemplation about whether or not I could call in sick to stay home and knit, and how far behind that would make me. The practical, good work ethic side of me won. Besides, without a parking permit, I'd have to keep moving the car all day anyway.

One more positive--I didn't get a ticket for parking on my street. Thank you, Parking gods!
And this one is so true it's not even funny. All I get in the mail anymore is junk mail and Netflix.

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