The helpful folks at GMail offer website suggestions based on email content. For instance, a recent email to my gals at school mentioned the Flexible Flyer sled. On the sidebar of my Gmail, were no less than five websites where I might purchase a new sled, plus a quote of the day regarding sleds (not Rosebud, though). At first, I thought it was neat, kind of like HAL was reading my thoughts and anticipating my needs. Then, it became kind of creepy. I mean, what if I was discussing a feminine itch. Am I going to get a list of websites for purveyors of Monistat? Now I find it downright invasive and annoying. Yo, G, quit reading my emails! I'm not funding a terrorist group or planning any sorts of civil disobedience. I'm talking about studying for my English final and eating lunch. Oooo...saucy stuff, G. Get a life and read your own damn emails.
And a side note to G's buddies at Netflix: Just because I occasionally like a weepy romantic comedy does not mean I want to see EVERY romantic comedy.
I know what I want to watch and I don't need your friendly recommendations, thanks.
This blog needs more pictures. I need to get a power cord and add more visual aids. Until then, enjoy this photo of an angry cat. Doesn't it remind you of the martian in Bugs Bunny cartoons?
1 comment:
There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.
May this be
your time to laugh,
embrace & receive
personal peace,
Dr. Howdy
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