"Two feet high and rising... "--Johnny Cash
This morning I spend a few hours manning a registration table at the aptly-named (today anyway) River Center in Cypress Park(?). It was cold, boy howdy, but I was wearing my handknit gloves and scarf, so I was toasty--for a while. After an hour all bets were off. Then the rain came. and came. and came.
And the wind was all of a sudden on the move, here. (yes, I just quoted Scuttle from "The Little Mermaid.") That's when the veranda began flooding
and it was time for Laurie Ann to pack it up and move to Higher Ground. (sing it, Stevie--or Anthony. Personally I like the Chili Peppers version.)

In other news, remember that time I sideswiped a pole in the parking garage causing my rear tires to lean in all knocked kneed? Guess what? That's not a safe condition for ones tires when one is driving on a rain-slicked freeway that twists and turns and goes up hill, like the 110. Nor is it safe when one decides to ditch the freeway in favor of surface streets and gets lost--no, finds an alternate route-- on the roads surrounding Dodgers Stadium in a downpour. I wonder if Max, the German Car King, can help me out here.
Be careful driving, please.
Ditto. Poor Jamie. I mean, it's crazy enough out there, particularly when it rains ("OH! WET!! (or dark) I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!!"), so you don't want to be all lost and traction-free. Just be a hermit... like me!
Hey, I've been there! I used to work at the school just down the street (Figueroa) from there and one day we took a walking field trip and picnicked there! How funny...
Not so funny about the knock-kneed tires... Be careful!
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