Do you remember those carefree weekend days as a kid when you had the luxury of just laying and watching dust particles dance in the sunbeams? I woke up and did just that today. I didn't want to leave the house, but I had errands to run.
I'm trying to do my bit, however little it may be, to save the planet, so I took my bottles and cans to the recycling center at Ralphs, then took my coupon in to buy some food and lightbulbs. When the clerk asked me paper or plastic, I said "paper." The bagger put my things in the paper bag. When she picked the bag up to hand it to me, the handle broke, so she puts it INTO A PLASTIC BAG. I said, "No, that's okay. I'll carry it in my arms.""But miss, it's heavy." "Well, putting it into a plastic bag defeats the purpose of asking 'paper or plastic,' doesn't it?"
Then, when I got home, these people were in the spot in front of my house.
Note the car facing the wrong direction, a foot from the curb. I asked them politely, "Excuse me, will you be leaving? Are you just dropping off?" A snooty younger woman said, "Um, no. We're going to be here for a while."
"Are you parking? If you park, you can fit two cars there."
"No, we're not moving," said Snooty McSourpuss.
And what were they doing, facing the wrong direction, a foot from the curb for an hour? NOTHING. Shooting the shit. That's it.
And this is why I don't go out and see people on the weekends. Idiots.
Wow. That is unbelievable. I really hate people.
This is why I have parking enforcement on speed dial: 213-485-4184. You can bet Snooty McByatchky and her social circlejerks woulda gotten their move on had they shown up brandishing a citation book.
wow, people sure do seem to be fighting over those limited parking spots, seeing that that section of the street is completely empy, as well as the space across the street. what's the matter? you didn't have the guts to go outside and take the photo where they could see you?
My Dear Boo Hoo:
What is not evident in the photo is the red zone that starts just before the left tree. The only space in front of my house is from the right tree to about two feet from that square of sidewalk.
That space across the street was not open when I parked.
The rest of the street was full because my neighbors don't understand the concept of pulling up and allowing more cars to park.
And, the most important part, I pay the city for the privilege of parking there and these people are NOT neighbors, do not have a parking pass and had no reason to be sitting there other than to have a conversation.
No, I didn't go outside to take their picture because I am not as rude as they are. For the record, I didn't post this anywhere but here.
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