Thursday, January 03, 2008

The productivity continues

I knuckled down and got some much needed filing done, including a complete overhaul of the filing system for Board of Directors business; made phone calls; solved a mystery that had been plaguing me since early December (Senator Romero, not Gonzales); All this and I still managed to catch up with Amber on such topics as "Gossip Girl" and "Crowned."

Then, because I'm never happy unless I have at least three projects going at the same time, at SnB tonight I cast on for this mask for a friend of mine. I'm modifying it a bit, but don't think I won't make this version for myself for next Halloween. It's just too awesome for words. Having cast on at 7:00ish, and taking a break to visit my boyfriend* at the Banana Leaf with Annika, I'm done with the ribbing and on to the actual face portion. I'll have this done in no time!

I don't know where I'm getting all this new found motivation because I woke up today sooooo tired I just rolled over and slept another 3o minutes. I'm not going to argue; I really need to finish a lot of projects in a short amount of time.

*To be clear, the guy at Banana Leaf is not really my boyfriend. I commented that I was strangely attracted to him and Annika and I decided he must be a musician (because of his hair and because that's my m.o.), and we now refer to him as my boyfriend. His super nice personality preceeds him; one of my friends at work was talking about "this really nice guy at that Singapore restaurant" and I beat her up. (not really) (I may have threatened though)


Ellen Bloom said...

The Panda Mask is faboo! Can't wait to see the finished item. When I clicked on the link and found the pattern, it appeared for a blip second and then disappeared!

You LIKE the guy at Banana Leaf? Yeah, he's nice, but he REALLY needs a haircut!

MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

not the cute little joosh-looking guy?! B/c he's MY boyfriend (or at least, he would be if I went there more often than once in a blue moon). Just so y'know.

Laurie Ann said...

C'mon, Denise; You already have Johnny. You can't have all the men, no matter how awesome your rack is.

WineGrrl said...

All I know is that rice dish looked REALLY good!

MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

I know you're refering to Johnny Depp, and not Johnny Mr. Monkeygurrl, b/c who cares about him. Also, you forgot Clive. :)