Sunday, October 12, 2008

One extreme, meet other

It's that time in my ghetto-fabulous apartment. Time to bust out the flannel sheets, thick comforter and space heaters. Time for snuggly socks for sleeping. Time to put the fleece blankets on the back of the sofa for wrapping around me during TV and knitting time. Time to learn to type with fingerless gloves on (no easy feat). Yes, friends, it's 62 degrees INDOORS at Chez Gingham, which according to the weather channel website, is colder than outside temps. Last week--hell, Wednesday--I had two fans blowing and was wearing a tank top to bed. Last night I wore thick socks, sweatpants, and a hoodie sweatshirt. I love fall. I hate my heatless apartment. I'm going to the laundromat to warm up.


Anonymous said...

I KNOW. Last night we got out the down comforter. At some point in the night, Will kicked it off; I contemplated divorce.

Natalie said...

Heater went on last night. I was just laying in a sunny spot reading knit books and feeling very feline. Time for a cat nap.

Ellen Bloom said...

We were in the mountain town of Idyllwild last night. It was 37 degress outside! Brrrrr....How I wish I had a few of my granny afghans with me!

MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

HAH! I pulled out the flannel sheets sunday nite, too, after nearly freezing to death the previous two nites!!! Now if only I could find the space heater...