I don't think I know any crafters who don't have at least three or more projects in the works at any given time. I'm sure they exist, but I haven't met them. You see, the problem is the yarn (or fabric, if you sew)--it calls to us. "Touch me. Love me. You know you want to make something with me right away."
You try to reason with it. "But I already have this scarf and that hat in progress," you say, "not to mention that baby sweater with one last sleeve to go." You diligently ignore the siren's call. You focus on the project in your lap and avert your eyes, but it's no use. Inevitably, you are driven by some unknown force to cast on yet another project. "I'll just do a gauge swatch," you say, fooling no one, not even yourself. Before you know what is happening, you have five (or ten--it's happened) unfinished objects (UFOs) sitting around.
Annika, oh wise and practical Annika, has deemed March as the month to finally finish all those UFOs languishing in baskets, bags, or in my case, on the end of the sofa. I have a list. Want to see it?
I used a thinner, less fuzzy yarn than Ellen, so mine turned out more airy. Criss was happy, even though you can't tell.
I hope all my LA friends get out to vote today. Mayor Zuma Dogg FTW! [or not]
You try to reason with it. "But I already have this scarf and that hat in progress," you say, "not to mention that baby sweater with one last sleeve to go." You diligently ignore the siren's call. You focus on the project in your lap and avert your eyes, but it's no use. Inevitably, you are driven by some unknown force to cast on yet another project. "I'll just do a gauge swatch," you say, fooling no one, not even yourself. Before you know what is happening, you have five (or ten--it's happened) unfinished objects (UFOs) sitting around.
Annika, oh wise and practical Annika, has deemed March as the month to finally finish all those UFOs languishing in baskets, bags, or in my case, on the end of the sofa. I have a list. Want to see it?
- crochet hat for Criss
- stripey scarf for me or perhaps Edgar
- Jackson's hat
- Anne's hat
- Christian's hat
- Hong's hat
- Kate's scarf
- sweater for Baby Angela
- dress for getting-bigger-every-day Julia
- Criss's scarf
- Roy's something
- Jess's something
I hope all my LA friends get out to vote today. Mayor Zuma Dogg FTW! [or not]
Oh, I love the way it turned out!
I am pretty tempted to vote for ole' Zuma Dogg. Pretty tempted.
The pink hat looks great! Even though Criss didn't want her photo taken today, the hat looks excellent on her. You did a wonderful job!
I love Criss' hat! She also looks quite nice in a hat. If you need a hand cleaning up for your niece's visit let me know. I like to clean and organize. :-)
Thank you, thank you! ZD
"I'll just do a gauge swatch" Well, there's your problem. Gauge swatch indeed. :)
LOVE the hat; it turned out fab and Criss looks perfectly nice, even tho she wasn't feeling well.
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