Sunday, January 13, 2008

Nothing was accomplished...except the key

I waited for Tami to call this morning so I could go get her copy of my house key. She called at noonish to tell me she was up. I puttered about to find something to wear, then drove out to Pasadena to meet Tami. Her car is acting up, so she wanted to drop it at the dealership for repairs, so I followed her to the bank and then followed her to the dealership, although I promptly lost her at Colorado and whatever street is right next to Pasadena City College. I found the dealership, only to discover that the repair shop isn't open on Sunday. [I know--duh--but Tami said they were open Sundays before]

From there we drove to OSH to get keys made on and then on to Carls Jr for lunch. Jamie was so not happy about all the driving around and started acting cranky on the 110 just before Stadium Way. I sweet talked her the rest of the way home. But I didn't get my laundry done. And I can't go to Jaclyn's house.

Tomorrow I have to call the window guy and possibly call Frau PITA to tell her the window is broken in the first place (or not...I don't need another lecture). I really need to stay home from work to deal with this, but I can't because we have meetings every freakin' day this week.

But hey, here's a photo of the ski mask in it's unfinished condition...hand over the day off and no one gets hurt.


MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

I love the expression in your eyes. "Someone. Ennyone. He'p me, please!"

Anne-Marie said...

Hehe, we can't get away with wearing those in this country anymore... People expect us to bomb them.

Im not that productive usually with my knitting. None of the ends have been woven in, and most things only needed a tiny bit more work to finish them off.