Laundry--my clothes got clean. And the drying was free thanks to the nice man who owns the local laundromat. I really like this laundromat. It's always clean and I never see hookers turning tricks (like the place on McCadden). Just look how he's spiffed it up:
Shopping--I went to Big Lots and did some grocery shopping. Where else can you buy Hamburger Helper for 69 cents? I didn't buy HH but it was mighty tempting. I did buy some Rice-A-Roni (also for 69 cents) and pasta.
Margaritas--two of them, in fact, in honor of Annika's birthday! Also, I had tasty enchiladas and met real live Internet folks, proving that cyber people DO exist in the real world.
Knitting--Two wristbands complete despite the unbearable heat in my apartment. I'm switching to cotton tonight to knit scrubbies.
Yeah, that's about it. I might watch my last Netflix movie just so I can send it in for another. I'm not really in the mood for it tonight but I hate sending back something unwatched and the next three in my queue are kind of a theme. I don't want to break up the set.
69 cents for the San Francisco Treat is a deal and a half.
Which movie? And what theme?
It's a Shia LeBeouf theme--Transformers and Battle of Shaker Heights. And then "The Lookout" because Joey is my surrogate nephew.
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