Tuesday, one of the gals introduced me to this website, Peter Answers, that mysteriously answers any question you pose to it, provided you petition him correctly and don't forget your question mark. Apparently, Peter is a fussy queen. Anywho, we played with it at work until IT put a block on that website and not once did Peter answer my questions. He's all "you have no faith" and "stop trying to prove me wrong." Yet, Sarah, the gal who showed me the site in the first place, could get all kinds of answers--correct ones, every time. Hmmm. The creepiest response I got was something like "I only answer when Emily's spirit is in the room." We were all kinds of freaked out and I kept teasing everyone that a spirit was in the computer, like that movie with Virginia Madsen and that guy with the beautiful blue eyes and the computer had Harold's voice. [no one knew what I was talking about.] Then, today, one of the guys revealed the secret of Peter and his amazing answers. Oh, that Sarah....I'm going to get her but good.
Apropos of nothing, I was looking up some promotional items for work and found this little gem(see below). What company would order adult sippy cups as a giveaway item?
That is all. I'll see my knittas at the Farmer's Market tomorrow.
Ooooh, mwah ha ha... Must use that on someone soon...
That mug is giving me the creeps.
OMG we totally need adult sippy cups at the Cube Farm!
That link to the explanation of Peter Answers gave me a headache. Kinda reminded me of calculus...
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