Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm Better

I feel better now, having spent two days curled into a ball of stomach cramping hell, during which I:
  • read two books in about 14 hours
  • learned how to knit Entrelac
  • started the sweater sampler from Jacqueline Fee's Sweater Workshop book (and got as far as the color change in the 2x2 ribbing) (okay, I cheated by not doing 10 rounds of 1x1 ribbing because I already know how to do that)
  • vomited
  • feed Nacho Libre
  • slept intermittently on the sofa before finally crawling into bed
  • actually watched The Cat In The Hat movie (because I was too weak to find the remote)
  • went to Big Lots for food (looked worse than homeless woman outside--asked her for change)
  • finally watched Deadwood: Season Three, Disc One
  • Screamed at Netflix because I didn't have any more discs because they sent me the wrong thing again and Disc One only has two episodes on it and a girl needs her some Timothy Olyphant when she's sick (and even when she's not)
  • stared at fish trying to decide if I'm overfeeding him. Decided he looked a little pudgy. cut back on the food.
  • cursed Frau Pita for hiring men to come out on Sunday to staple screening material to all the eaves to keep the pigeons away and then subsequently powerwash the pigeon poop. Sure it was 12:30pm, but I was still sleeping.
  • cried a little because I'm poor and I really wanted to buy the third book in the series (of the two I read) but I can't afford that and food until payday.
  • got my period
  • cried a little more because I want to go on a train trip with my Tower friends but I'm too poor. [edit] now I'm crying because a meeting got rescheduled for that day so I couldn't go even if I borrowed the money. Waahhhhh!
  • wiped tears and ate toast. Found mold on non-toasted bread. Decided the mold was penicillin and could be helpful, but still tossed the rest of the loaf.

I am surprisingly well-rested today. I got up before the alarm and only hit snooze once. I straightened my hairs and put some make-up on. AND I actually left the house 10 minutes earlier than is necessary and got to work in plenty of time. See? I'm not just better, I Gooood.


Anonymous said...

I have the first two seasons of Deadwood and you are welcome to borrow them. Glad you're feeling better!

dizzy von damn! said...

you are adorable. i'm glad you feel better.

Faith said...

So glad you're feeling better. BTW - also, quite envious of learning entrelac. Tried. Failed miserably.
