Sunday, Jun 29th, 2008 -- Your inspiration today may come from the simple fact that you are running out of time and if you don't act soon, you'll lose your chance. The pressure to start something now can motivate you to act with great intensity, whether or not you will be able to sustain your current passion. But it really doesn't matter what you do or how long you continue it. What's most important is that you undertake something -- anything -- as soon as possible.
Today is Criss Chase's birthday--you know, the future recipient of the currently-stalled awesome project. I need something to give to her tomorrow when I see her and while she's been a peach with the whole "you don't have to give me anything" business, I would feel bad showing up empty handed. My bank account is depleted so I can't get cake fixings (oh, the cake will be made but maybe Wednesday) and I just cannot afford to buy anything as a gift. What to do??
"WRISTBANDS!!!! Oh hells yeah," that's what my Crazy said. My Crazy has obviously been talking to Carla's Crazy because next thing I knew I was tearing around my apartment trying to find THAT yarn, the one I knew I had and knew would be perfect for the retro wristbands I wanted to make for Criss, which truth be told is just more of the Rowan Cashsoft I used for the baby cardigan. I found the yarn and jumped right in. In little over an hour, I had one done--duplicate stitched and all, my friends.
I've begun another and so far so good, but I had to stop for a nap and food. I'm sure I'll finish tonight...maybe just barely. Who needs sleep anyway?
*Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!