Thursday, July 27, 2006

Good thing I'm perfect

I may not be America's Next Top Model, but I know a few basic tenets of fashion, and one of those is that if you're going to layer your clothing, at least one of the shirts should fit (see white arrow). How about forgoing the layers and just find one shirt that actually fits you instead of trying to squeeze into something you wore in high school. Perhaps the fleshtone shirt under the tiny white one was an attempt to wear a belly shirt without actually exposing the belly.

Also, if you're going to wear strange, thick, cotton undergarments, you should make sure your track pants come up far enough to cover them (red arrow). If you absolutely have to expose your panties, make sure they're pretty, not old and threadbare. Seriously, these pantaloons were thick, like long johns, and had a button fly. I believe there's a rule about not wearing your man's undergitchies. It would be better to go bare-assed.


Sachi said...

I've long been amazed at how people are seemingly unable to find size appropriate clothing. I admit that I have a tendency to over do things (wearing things that are really more covering than necessary) but certainly that's better than the reverse.

dizzy von damn! said...

stop taking my picture.

MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

Y'know, I got so caught up in the Skippy/Jif dichotomy, I completely forgot to comment on this yesterday.

In any event, who the HECK are you taking pictures of? A bus driver? Is it with your cellphone, and didn't she even notice?!?!

Don't even get me started on size-inappropriate clothing. At one level, I envy some people's ability to be comfortable in their own skin. But that doesn't mean I wanna look at it!

Laurie Ann said...

That's a girl in my class at school. I pretended to be checking my messages and took a picture with my phone.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested