Bo Diddly? Well, he's a man who can spell, which is always a plus, but not my favorite.
Patti Smith? Man I love her version of "Because the night," but still not my favorite.
Tracey Ullman? She knits and introduced us to The Simpsons, which makes her okay in my book, but favorite? not so much.
Tiger Woods? No, I'm not even going there.
Eliza Dushku? You gotta have Faith, but she's not my favorite either.
Even local knitting phenom Jenna Radomile, though she's got RAD in her name, is not my favoritest person in the whole world.
But this lady is (see arrow)
Here she is behind the wheel of a tractor at about 6 months or so.
Pay no attention to that "Jan 64" date. That's my Daddy riding bitch.
And this is a holiday shot circa 1979. Kate's the cute one with the bow who looks like she's been hitting the Egg Nog already. I'm the one who needs make up and better posture. I think we were either going to or had returned from midnight mass.
I love you to pieces, Katie!!! Have a Happy Birthday and enjoy dinner with the Mickey. Also, today is the 5th day of Christmas so he should totally give you five gold rings for your birthday.
I love you to pieces, Katie!!! Have a Happy Birthday and enjoy dinner with the Mickey. Also, today is the 5th day of Christmas so he should totally give you five gold rings for your birthday.
Wow!I never realized it was the 5th day of Christmas! All these years and not once did I recieve 5 GOLDEN RINGS. I did get some very cool gifts though. Thanks for making me your fave! xoxo
What a beautiful family, and beautiful tribute. Happy Birthday, Kate. Hope it was a great one!
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