Sunday, May 02, 2010

Day Two and already I'm cheating

Every couple of months, I like to challenge myself and sign on for NaBloPoMo. May's theme is "Up," but one doesn't have to blog about the theme. Some of you may have noticed that yesterday's post wasn't there yesterday. I cannot lie. I totally cheated and changed the date so that I wasn't missing a day for the whole "blog every day" requirement. Oops.

So, Jamie is still not fixed because I'm thinking Max no longer works on Saturdays. I called him yesterday and the phone just rang and rang before going to the fax machine, always a lovely and unexpected sound. I used to ride the bus all the time--for ten years. In fact, this blog was started to tell of my adventures on the bus. But now, after having a car, I understand why people are so reluctantly to embrace public transportation. I'm not, mind you. Indeed, I have been a public transportation advocate since my teens, when a quarter got you a tour of my hometown and eventually dropped you off at the mall. However, I realized how lazy I've become and how difficult things like grocery shopping and laundry are for the carless. I used to walk to the laundromat with a granny cart and all my clothes. Yesterday, I walked to the Rite Aid near that same laundromat and it seemed like an impossible walk. "How much do I really need toilet paper anyway?" I asked halfway there. I really should have done laundry today. I toyed with the idea of taking Jamie to the laundromat since it's just a short drive, but I didn't want to do any damage to the coolant system. I moved her to the other side of the street, but that's all.

I need my baby back. Looks like I'm taking some time off to drive to Van Nuys mid-week.

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